Services & Packages

Portraits and Headshot

The aspect of art that has always been at the heart of my work is storytelling. This exploration is most deeply explored in my work as a Portraitist. The story is in the eyes, the smirk and the gesture. I offer my services as a Headshot & Portrait Photographer. I am open to any opportunity that allows me and my subject to create something special and unique.



2 hour $575 (3 retouched images included)

3 hour $795 (4 retouched images included)

4 hour $$1000 (5 retouched images included)

Actor Headshots

2 hour session $500 (3 retouched images included)    

3 hour session $575 (4 retouched images included)

4 hour session $650 (5 retouched images included)

*Additional retouches $25 per image

Corporate Headshots

1 hour session $375 (1 retouched images)

2 hour session $500 (3 retouched images included)

3 hour session $575 (4 retouched images included)

4 hour session $650 (5 retouched images included)

*Additional retouches $25 per image


2 hours $600

(5 retouched images included)

Additional retouches $25 per image

Newborn Babies

1.5 hours $500

(10 retouched images included)

*Additional retouches $25 per image

Real Estate

BASIC  (<1000 sq ft) – $250

SMALL  HOME  (1000 – 2000 sq ft) – $325

MEDIUM  HOME  (2000 – 3000 sq ft) – $425

LARGE HOME  (3000-5000 sq ft) – $525 

EXTRA LARGE HOME (5000 sq ft-8000 sq ft) – $800 

ADD $100 for each 1,000sq ft

**Re-Shoot (Return to the property to re-shoot spaces that were not ready at the time of the shoot) – $200  

**Special Pricing Available Upon Request***

For any portrait or headshot session, please note that there is a $100 non-refundable deposit. This goes towards securing my studio space and to prevent last minute cancellations.